Wednesday, March 18, 2020

TIKI Mask Art Lesson on FAcebook Live this Friday!

In the midst of all this CORONAVIRUS craziness and all the school closings, I am going to attempt a LIVE facebook art lesson on how to make a tiki mask on my Artrageousartstudio facebook page. I have made a TON of videos of art lessons but haven't ever tried a live facebook lesson so this is going to be INTERESTING!

 I am sharing the TIKI mask handout here so that anyone who joins will have this as a resource while we are working!  This is from STITCHLILY , who gets all the cred for these awesome drawings!  THANK YOU STITCH LILLY!

I took all the parts of the TIKI face parts and put them into one page :

Materials Needed:
Brown Paper bag (or cardboard)
Oil Pastel

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Scrapbook Book Report !

If you just finished reading a book and your teacher has assigned you to do a book report OR if you are a teacher looking for a more fun way for your students to complete their book reports- you are going to love this project! 

I am going to show you how to make an awesome creative scrapbook book report that is sure to get you the highest grade in the class!! 
You don’t have to be super artistic or an expert scrap booker in fact I have everything you need  and I’m gonna show you how to put it all together !

My son recently finished reading the awesome book, Charlotte' Web by E.B. White so I used that book for my example.  This project helped him with his comprehension and his understanding of the characters and plot of the book - so I am sure it will help you TOO!  

Here is the PowerPoint I mean with the materials and printable’s that you can use to make your own’s Scrapbook book report ! This is such a creative and fun way to deep in comprehension for reading and allow students to really remember and understand characters and plots.
Google Doc

Harper's Ferry