Friday, September 19, 2014

Our school's Pinwheels for Peace Art Installation event MADE THE PAPER!!!!

Yesterday was SUCH an exciting day for our school!  It was our third annual Pinwheels for Peace Art Installation event in honor of the International Day of Peace.  This year, instead of just forming a peace sign with our pinwheels, we made a DOVE!!!  I was so worried that it might not actually look like a dove because when I was spray painting the outline on our PE field on Wednesday, it was SO difficult to decipher how the shape was going to turn out.  I used a grid method in Microsoft Word to measure the dove symbol.  When I went on the field, the grid lined up with the fences around the field.  I used rope and spray paint along with the grid picture for reference to make the shape on the field.  

Our community relations coordinator called the local paper, the St. Augustine Record, and the reporter and photographer came to photograph the entire event from the ground. 
 It was SO hot outside and not all the students had their pinwheels because we thought the event would have to be postponed for picture day.  Despite all of that, we were able to share a moment of silence, a fourth grader, Lexi, shared a beautiful poem she wrote about Peace, and we sang the Song of Peace that our fabulous music teacher, Ms. Dowdie taught the students during music.  One of our second grade teacher's husband flew his plane over and took the picture for us and I when I saw it this morning, I almost cried with pride, joy and relief!!!   

And AS IF, Pinwheels for Peace weren't enough this week, TODAY was Talk Like a Pirate Day!!  I got the honor of having Captain Mayhem (a real St. Augustine pirate!)  sign sketch for the chalk drawing that I made for the Chalk Walk last May!!!  Such an exciting (and exhausting) WEEK!!!

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