Thursday, October 15, 2015

FAEA, Teacher of the Year, and Cave Paintings to Picasso!

Just call me Ms. Bad Blogger- cuz I have been so super busy that I haven't been able to write any posts FOREVER (it seems)  The first big event was being awarded with our school's TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!!  It was such an amazing thrill and honor.  But along with that amazing honor also comes PAPERWORK.  There was an entire packet including letters of recommendation that I had to turn in only TWO days after the announcement.  Now I have my TOY interview on November 19th and my TOY photo and then of course the banquet.  How exciting!  I also want to plan on on doing something special at the banquet because there were at least FOUR other art teachers from other schools around the county that were chosen.  We are all in a PLC so I am excited to take over the banquet and turn it into an ART EXTRAVAGANZA!!!  (wish me luck!)
The other HUGE event I had to prepare for was the FAEA Florida Art Education Association Conference in Naples, FL.  I presented two workshops; digital Artist Statements and Street Painting.

My sub plans and the whole month of October are based on our artist of the month; Pablo Picasso!  Here are the lessons:  One is called from Cave Paintings to Picasso because the second graders also got to learn about cave paintings and I shared my book I wrote and illustrated, called the Discovery of Lascaux.   You can buy the digital version on Amazon (shameless plug)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Harper's Ferry