Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today was ROW planning day for resource.  We planned for the school wide art installation project known as the Pinwheels for Peace!!  This  year, it will be held on Friday, September 20, 2013 in the soccer fields near our school.  Fortunately we have a first grade teacher whose husband's father is a pilot and will be able to take an aerial photograph of the entire school with their pinwheels outside forming a giant peace sign.

Here are some photos from last year.....( and yes....our peace sign was missing the middle piece) LOL

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Art day 1

So the first day of classes, A day, went really well! I took the fourth graders out to see the garden and the orange tree and we found a crazy caterpillar that was mimicking a snake! The kids named him Bob! Lol

Monday, August 12, 2013

Preplanning back to School! day 1

So today seemed somewhat productive......every year there is so much to do that I'm always stressed and worried but somehow I manage to have everything ready. I repaired my giant crayons and made a crayon box for times!
I also attempted to repair my drying rack (the metal hinges and stoppers keep moving and falling off so I hot glued them!)
Also, one of my favorite fourth grade teachers brought me a ton of great baskets and a rolling carts with colored drawers! She's the best ! I love her! storage room is gonna need some work! If any left brained or highly organized people out there have any suggestions of a system for my storage room, I would greatly appreciate and welcome them!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to School 2013


So.....we are officially back to school next week and as usual I am overwhelmed with plans and thoughts of things I need to do to get ready.  Below is a kind of to-do list of things I am working on and hope to finish by the end of next week!  Yay!

  • Common Core- Go through the Pearson series and try to align my art projects with themes/topics from reading, science or math
  • New signs and labels for the art room- I have a bunch to make!!
  • Jobs for the art room
  • Fine tuning procedures and routines
  • Sub folder- Need to have a jam packed sub folder for those times of emergency- Never know when my two year old might break his arm....wait he just did last Saturday!  Man!

Harper's Ferry