Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year in Art

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had a super fun and relaxing break! I know I did. It was so warm in Florida, it felt more like summer than winter which is fine by me since that means more beach time and good running weather.  I've been training for my second marathon in February.  Im super excited!
My youngest son loved getting Legos, a new bike and tons of his own art supplies so he doesn't have to steal mom's anymore! I also fell in love with the Snapchat app over winter break! The filters are so fun and you can edit, draw etc! Most of the pictures in this post are snaps saved from my snapchat, Mandyandmadison.
So that brings us up to New Years! I must admit I have been a bit of a slacker lately. I haven't updated my blog and haven't been keeping up with my Twitter chats. BUT I have been working a lot on my own artwork! My goal is to finish my second book in the Robots Adventures series.
( I published digitally on Amazon last year) Robot is the dog who discovered the cave of Lascaux. Now in my second book he is traveling on to be next ancient artistic civilization, EGYPT! I've finished the cover and several sketches but I'm still working on finishing the writing of the story. It's fun!
 I'm including my daughters kitten, Artemeis as evil cat villain in the book!( you can probably tell I'm more of a dog gal but I love kitties too!) Hopefully I can finish it soon! It's one of my many goals I'm setting for myself in the new year.  I went out and got myself a brand spanking new sketchbook from Barnes and Noble and realized that I have been able to finish and fill a new sketchbook each year for three years now!! Yay me! It's all those awesome sketchbook challenges i get to take part in!
I also took the last couple of days of winter break to cram in as much art museum time as humanly possible with my youngest.  We went to the Cummer Museum on Saturday and the MOCA (both in downtown Jacksonville) on Friday.  We had a blast even thought the temps began and drop and we were pretty chilly. It was an inspiring and motivating two days full of awesome art work and even gardens. 

Smoke and Mirrors Exhibit at the Cummer- Penguins that are programmed with a Kinect to follow you!

So today is my first day back at school!  Luckily it is a PLANNING DAY!!!  So in addition to report cards- I have been getting my artist of the month lessons ready- also getting lessons for my formal observation.  Our artist of the month is none other than the AWESOME Jackson Pollock!  Kids of ALL ages love splatter painting!  Here is a video I made for kindergarten- not so messy splatters! (using a shoe box)


Harper's Ferry