Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Juicy Fruit Ninja Still Lifes! 3rd Grade

Today was third grade ROW (Resource on Wednesday) and we have been scrambling to finish and find the best artwork for the Art Show.  THis lesson is a great and easy one day lesson that I put a new spin on this year by making a connection to a fun game that I have played on the Xbox called Fruit Ninja.  THis is a really addicting game where you get to slice as much fruit as possible without slicing the bombs.  I put together a powerpoint so that it would be easy to present AND review their goals for their Dragon drawing.  Some were even close to finishing the fruit so I presented a new project inspired by Keith Haring called Action Figures.  Now I know what you are thinking- Three projects in ONE CLASS- are you NUTS!?  Yes- and now very tired too (and seem to have a bit of a porcupine in my throat) !!!  Each lesson also uses a different media- so why on the earth would I do this to myself- two words- ART SHOW!  That's right- I figure- the more artwork we make the better chance I can find something for everyone!

 I stress that I want students to observe their fruit and DRAW BIG and use space and texture to make their fruit look realistic.  I give them handouts with fruit photos and artificial fruit to observe.

Students that have selected their artwork for the art show got to record their artist statement with my ipad using iMovie and Doink Green Screen.  The k-2 that have iPads will be using Chattepix to record their artist statement.  So far the ones that have recorded theirs have turned out AWESOME and so cute.  I am hoping to turn them all into one movie to play on a loop in the cafeteria for the art show.
 ON top of all that--  I even finished my sketch for the St. Augustine 450th Chalk Walk Paseo Pastel!  Yah sometimes i feel like I may have super powers but really it's just pure adrenaline and of course thanks to the big guy up above..:)

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