Wednesday, May 6, 2020


This is more of a stay at home mom post than an art teacher post but I guess we are kind of ALL stay at home parents now thanks to the COVID-19 quarantine and stay at home order.  It is May 6th, as I am writing this and it seems like the closures may be coming to an end soon as some things are reopening (at least it seems that way in Florida)

So this post is about a chore chart that I just made and plan on implementing with my 9 year old son.  It is Minecraft themed because as an art teacher- I just can't use some plain old chore chart!  LOL I started looking up some on google - which led me to pinterest which then led me to Microsoft word and then finally POWERPOINT ! Is it just me or evertime you find a FREE PRINTABLE chore chart- it just isnt cutomizebable!?  I know every kid and parent have specific chores/tasks that they ask expect so it is just too broad of a range to have a one size fits all chore chart.  There were some good ones on microsoft word but the formatting is SO specific and rigid that I just couldn't fit in the things I needed or wanted.

So finally after finding a picture of a minecraft one I really liked (on this site )  I set out to re create it on Powerpoint so I could customize it.  AND here is the result!  I am going to try to laminate it - (to save on printer ink)  but it is good to keep track of progress .  My son had a weekly behavior check list when he was in ABA therapy and it was good to have all the data tracked and recorded.  That is why I added the behavior element - it really should be recorded by the day/ time but honestly- I need this to be easy or I know I won't keep up with it.  And that is the real test- if its not easy or manageable , then most people will not be able to maintain conistency with its use.  So I am going to try this and see if it helps!! WISH ME LUCK ! LOL  This is the jpeg but I will try to put the actual powerpoint file on my weebly so you can save it and customize it yourself! (apparently you can't add powerpoint files  in blogger?) lol
My weebly- Artrageous Art works

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